Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thank you, Freshmen!

Some exciting new around here! I laugh about my crazy freshmen and their antics, but they've really helped me out! I found out today that TWO of my presentation proposals were accepted at the national English teachers conference in Orlando in November! TWO! Out of 1200! One is a group presentation and each one of us is leading a little mini-discussion on a unit that we teach. My unit, of course, was designed for freshmen.

But, the really cool presentation is designed from my technology magnet freshmen (Remember the scanned hand? That's them!). My advisor, another doc student, and I wrote an article and submitted it for publication. The article is about my freshmen and the technology I use in my classroom. It's really cool, but too detailed for a blog post. Well, in addition to submitting the article for publication, we also submitted a presentation proposal! I am most exciting about this one because I get to present about my school, my students, and my ideas! All at a national conference! I'm very excited. I do not know how long it will take to hear whether or not the article will be published. The journal we submitted it to has a 4% acceptance rate! But, it's put out by the same organization that is responsible for the conference! We shall see!

So, thank you, Freshmen! I love y'all!


Alle said...

Congrats Emily!!! That is awesome! You are too smart.

caknitter said...

Congratulations!! It all sounds very exciting. I hope you get published.

LuvRedandWhite said...

YAY! That is beyond exciting :) I'm so happy for you!

I'm going back to teaching freshmen next year. My class of juniors is annoying me... I love my sophomores though!

Kathleen said...


Congratulations!! I'm inspired and proud of you.

Margaret said...

Congratulations, Emily!!! That is so exciting!!!! You are such an awesome teacher!!!!

Katie said...

That is great news!!!