Friday, February 19, 2010

Quotes of the Week

Logic - through the eyes of freshmen

The claim: Cats can kill newborns
The logic: Little babies drink milk. If you put a cat near a newborn, it will suck the milk out of the baby’s mouth and the baby will die.
True story….according to a freshmen.
Upon being challenged by fellow classmates, the reply:
“Oh yeah! Well you put a cat by a new born baby and watch that baby be dead! Whateva, y’all just some haters.”
Those of you with small children, keep the baby-killing cats away.
“I just found out how old Mr. Young is! He’s 60! And STILL teaching! He should have retired years ago!”
They also think I’ve reached my prime at 30. They like to tell me that I am slowly approaching the Old Cat Lady phase of my life. Poor Mr. Young. He’s practically prehistoric.
I am not sure why this struck me as so funny….
During a debate over which actor could best portray Aticus Finch if we were to make a new movie version someone suggested the dad from The Sound of Music.
To which someone replied “I have never heard of that in my life.”
When we tried to explain to them that The Sound of Music is close to 45 years old, we got this from a different student:
“45 years old?! Come on. I barely even watched Roots.”
Still not seeing the connection there…
Upon discussing propaganda techniques with the students, my student teacher used the example of Jarred and the Subway commercial.
“Yo. He lied. Because when fat people be eatin’ at Subway they don’t be losin’ no weight.”
So there you have it. Subway weightloss claims are false!